Friday, June 25, 2010


We lost our baby goat on Wednesday, which was extremely depressing. But it also put us in panic mode because we still have two goats that are pregnant and we really don't want to lose any more babies. That lead to hours on the Internet trying to find out why baby died in the first place. From the signs and symptoms we think she got a type of pneumonia. She most likely got it late Tuesday night and by the time we got to her it was too late. So one of the web sites I found talked about a vaccine that you can give to the pregnant mama's that will give the babies a passive immunity to pneumonia, at least certain kinds, and it is something that IFA carries. Most likely because that you can also use it for cows. If you know the area where I live, goats are not the main livestock and a lot of stores barely carry anything for them. So we will try and see if this works. Hopefully we can save the rest of the babies. The articles also state that summertime babies can be as bad as wintertime babies due to the temperature changes. So next time we breed, we are going to aim for April.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We have goats. I have enjoyed our goats. When we bought our first two goats, we decided to rent a billy and get some babies. There is NOTHING!!!!! cuter than a baby goat. And yes you can rent billy goats. About three weeks after we rented Gimly, that was the billy's name, we bought three more nanny goats at auction. After a couple of days we decided to separate all of the goats as the new ones were underfed and malnourished. We also didn't want them getting pregnant in their weakened conditioned. After a month we gave Gimly back and enjoyed our goats. We figured that the first two nannies we bought were pregnant. We didn't count on a bonus third being pregnant. But after two months we dicided that she was also pregnant, as her milk bag started to grow. We figured that if Gimly got her, she would be due in August. Nope, apparently she was pregnant when we bought her. Monday morning she gave birth to a healthy baby doe. We are so excited, as she is so cute. The horses were even excited. Today my white mare even got babysitting duties. Dont ask me how they figured that one out.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Life: What a week...and it is only Thursday

My Life: What a week...and it is only Thursday

What a week...and it is only Thursday

Skylar had been complaining that her vision was getting blurry far away, so I called the eye doctor and made her an appointment for Tuesday. While at the appointment we discussed health problems and I jokingly mentioned her breaking her arm two years ago and said that the klutz gene runs strong in our family. I should have kept my mouth shut. The appointment ended and it was determined that Skylar needed glasses because she is near sighted.
I got to work a 12 hour shift on Wednesday. 8am to 8 pm. At 8:26 in the morning I got a call from the school saying that Skylar fell and hurt her arm and that I needed to get her to the doctor. Lucky for me Ben was home because I couldn't leave work. As it turns out some kid was running to catch the ball and ran into Skylar, knocking her down. Skylar told me later that she heard a snap and then it hurt. She fractured her arm right through the growth plate.
So after visiting the orthopedic surgeon, it was determined that Sky didn't need surgery, and is now in a blue cast from her shoulder to her fingers. Oh and her glasses came in today. I hope this week ends soon!