It is that time of year. The time of year where you realize that your jam supply is running out and you know you didn't make enough strawberry jam when strawberries were on. Seriously, we are down to our last bottle. So while Ben and I were out and about today, we bought both peaches and actually found some raspberries!!!!
I was very excited. Not only have I not done raspberry jam for about two years, We actually got a fairly decent price on them. So when we got home( after hunting for some regular neck lids, which Wal-mart doesn't have), I started to prepare my raspberries for jam. As I was washing them out one of the worst creatures alive came out. Yes, I am talking about the spider!
It was bright yellow and soon got flushed down the toilet! But the situation made me wonder, How many spiders do we eat when we eat jam? Makes you wonder. I bet some of you will never eat jam again after reading this. Your Welcome!