Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

It's the beginning of a new year. After every that happened last year I wonder how this one is going to treat us. No last year wasn't too bad, not after I switched fields. I am hopeful for the new year though. I have thought long and hard about what I want for New Year's resolutions and how to pull them off. This is what I came up with.

1) Lose 40 lbs this year. I aimed for thirty last year and lost 32. Not bad considering that I started in September. I have decided to do this in three month segments with goals set in between. Actually all my goals are in segments. I'll get back to that later.

2) Work on my book- I hope to get an outline done within the next two months

3) Finish the quilt for my bed, work on the kid's quilts

4) get my math and chemistry done and pave the way to get my RN

5) Paint my kitchen

6) work on my photography

7) ride my remaining horses, work with my horses

8) Go on vacation

9) get better at making bows for my girls

10) learn how to knit

11) learn more about blog layouts

12) Actually plant an herb garden

13) work on the house

14) Learn some stress relieving exercises and relax

15) go to the gym

As I said, I plan on doing this in three month segments

Jan - March- lose 10 lbs, hit the gym once a week, exercise at home once a week, get started on my quilt, finish the outline of my book, work on house, figure out what herbs I want in my herb garden. Take lots of pictures.

April - June: Lose 10 lbs, hit the gym twice a week, work out at home once a week, start walking at night, finish quilt for my bed, work on actual content of book, study for math, go on vacation, plant my herb garden, take more pictures, start on the kid's quilts, start working with the horses

July - September: lose 10 lbs, walk every night, take kids hiking, paint kitchen, more photography, continue to go to the gym, take care of herb garden, start classes for math and chemistry, work on book, work on kids quilts

October- December: Lose 10 lbs, keep on walking, more photography, work on book, finish kid's quilts, hopefully finishes math and Chemistry.

I also plan on blogging at least once a week to update my progress. It's a good plan, by this time next year, we will see how I did!

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