Friday, February 25, 2011

Some people need to be slowly roasted over a hot fire!!!!!!

This has not been a good week for me. I worked 6 days in a row, two of which were very long, Got to have my boss follow me, oh and least I forget, got infected by a malware virus, which resulted in me getting my computer reformatted. No I am not happy. I personally feel that people who do this have nothing better to do with their lives and need to be sent cleaning up the sides of our highways where the will actually contribute something to humanity, or slowly roasted over a very hot fire. I'm good either way.

In my attempt to not reformat, I got to talk to a slew of individuals who should not be in computer support. My basic conversations included them telling me I cant fix my own computer and I needed to take it to a " computer expert" where they can charge me 180-200.00 to fix my computer. Don't ever tell me what I can and can not do thank you. needless to say these conversations didn't end well. I reformatted. Ben said I took the easy way out, I think I prevented my computer from being thrown out a window.

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