Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where I stand

Its the last weekend of the month, its also the end of the first quarter of the year. Wow, that went by fast! Where do I stand with my goals you ask. Quite well.
 I have lost not 10 but 15 lbs. I have finished tying a quilt for my bed, I have started walking at night and worked on my house, and am working out at home. I have not taken many pictures or have worked on the outline of my book.
This is how my first quarter has gone.
January I worked... a lot!!! I had one paycheck with 93 hours on it.

February I got my computer virus, lost a couple of patients and got 63 hours on one check.

March- things are mellowing out. I have averaged out on hours, got dental insurance and have had a minute to enjoy life. I got the flu/ cold which knocked me out but I worked through it.
So now the question is What will April bring!!!

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