Wow, This has not been a good year for blogging. It has been a busy year, that's for sure. Some good, some bad, Most of it a huge learning experience.
Lets start with September,
Yes this was my adventure in September. As I was heading to a work meeting, someone decided to run a stop sign. I was on the other side of that stop sign. He hit me hard enough that it flipped my around. He hit me on my passenger side, you can see how my van landed. Luckily it was just me in the van or it could have been a lot worse.
In October I (we) lost my beloved father - in- law. He went very quick. I will always remember those last moments I had with him. He was in ICU and was doing better, we had seen him briefly and as I was leaving he called out and said " I love you", I smiled and said " Love you too, have a good night and we will see you in the morning." He was gone 2 hours later. It was a bad night. But I think he knew his time was up.
November I lost the Nursing lotto and was only considered a alternate for the RN program.
But in December I managed to pass both my Math and Chem classes.
I had a fall back with my weight and gained back 10 lbs, I blame the nursing home for this. I am working on losing this weight right now and plan on losing another 10 lbs this year. But hear is hoping that the rest of this year is good and the next year is even better!
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