Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School has begun!!!!!!

So yesterday was the most wonderful day of the year. It was like Christmas and the present was that I actually had no kids and no babysitter to worry about. This was the first time this has happened in 10 years. I mean I have had no kids before, but I always had to get home early or hustle with what I was doing because of a babysitter, or preschool got out, etc. This time not so much.

The morning started out with me waking up at 0530. Don't ask me why, I just did, and it frustrated me. I was not a little sleepy, I was AWAKE. It was one full hour before my alarm was set to go off. Very irritating. However; I was in no hurry to actually get out of bed, so I laid there until my alarm actually went off, Yes I know, I am lazy, but this is my story so hush.
I went and got the girls up, then went to get Brady up. This was the conversation that followed:

Me: Brady it's time to get up
Brady: No
Me : Brady you get to go to school today
Brady: Pushes the blanket off of him "No"
Me: Brady get up you are going to school today
Brady: throws one leg over the side of the bed "NO"
He did get up and got dressed. Then he bounced all over the house with his sisters.

As is tradition, I took the kids to school and walked all of them to their classes. Brady was first. As I handed the teacher the box of Kleenexes I had brought to donate she looked at me like I just handed her a bag of snot and said" Yeah, Kleenexes". I should have brought her a bag of snot! I gave him a hug and kiss, Embarrassing him thoroughly. Dani was next and her teacher was a little me excited about the Kleenexes. Skylar was last.
As I got home I just stood there in the doorway realizing that my house was quiet and for the first time in ten years, I had no kids. It was a strange yet peaceful feeling!

The kids made it home good and informed me of all their adventures of school. Apparently Brady dug a hole for Judd to fall in so that he would break his arm. Judd was the one who crashed in Skylar the end of school last year and caused her to fall, breaking her arm. Brady does try to be a good brother.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wonderful Day!

So my husband surprised by recommending that we go somewhere and having a picnic. It was delightful! But first we had to go to Kent's where everywhere decided to get chicken at the same time that we did. It was funny to watch the old man get upset at the blond because " she was buying all the chicken". We got something else. I convinced my stepson to go with us, which is rare. We went up to spring hollow up Logan canyon.

After we ate I of course brought out the camera and started to take some pictures. I thought I would get one of all three kids. Well the little ones are cute. As soon as I can figure out how to switch Mad Skylar with Happy Skylar I will!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I used to be confused to why my mother used to love this time of year. It was hot, dry, and Oh ya, school started. As a kid, school starting was a time of mixed feelings. We got to get new clothes, but we HAD to go back to school. I couldn't wait until I was " All Grown Up" so I didn't have to go back to school and I could work for a living. In reality, I love working, but I do miss summer vacations. As I had children I have figured out why my mother loved this time of year. After one VERY,VERY long summer of my kids whining, crying , fighting and trying to be their entertainment committee, my children are finally going back to school. All of them. Yes my baby is going to ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN!!!!! This is just like Christmas. I have finished all the school shopping, I am now just waiting the 9 days for them to finally go back!!!