Friday, July 16, 2010

Baby Goats and a new washer

OK so most people know that our last baby goat died. It was sad and very discouraging. We still had two pregnant nannies and were very stressed due to the fact that I didn't want to lose any more babies. So we gave the nannies the pneumonia vaccine and placed them in my back yard to isolate them from the other nannies. The two pregnant nannies did not appreciate our efforts but we really didn't care. So last weekend we went on a wonderful sporadic camping trip in which the kids were good and everyone had a great time. I got some killer pictures that may be posted later.
When we got home our youngest nanny had given birth to twins, like 1/2 hr before we got there. Rude! But the babies were cute and mom looked good. We were of course very cautious about these babies. By Tuesday they were looking great.
Tuesday night our other nanny decided it was her time to go into labor, and she waited until Ben got home to do so. Very helpful. Ben, the kids and I got to watch her baby get born. It was awesome. There was one point that Ben thought that the baby was breach and spring loaded out of his chair to go and help. It wasn't breach but nurse Ben was already in the pen so he stayed there.
So now I have three very healthy doeling goats and two happy nannies. We even dare to name the goats which we did. Alfie, Belle and Chloe. Yes we are going down the alphabet for names.
Which leads me to my other story.
Last month our washer decided not to spin anymore. We had to get a new washer. After careful consideration we meandered down to Home Depot to get a new washer. Since I chose the last washer and it was a piece of crap, I decided to let Ben choose. He was set on a top loader. Well we got our washer, brought it home, and low and behold this thing could not clean clothes. Period. In fact the clothes we put in normally ended up with a heavy ring of lint. The washer went back. The next time I chose. I got a Maytag front loader that blessedly cleans cloths and is big enough for a king sized quilt. I am in heaven.

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