Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wonderful Day!

So my husband surprised by recommending that we go somewhere and having a picnic. It was delightful! But first we had to go to Kent's where everywhere decided to get chicken at the same time that we did. It was funny to watch the old man get upset at the blond because " she was buying all the chicken". We got something else. I convinced my stepson to go with us, which is rare. We went up to spring hollow up Logan canyon.

After we ate I of course brought out the camera and started to take some pictures. I thought I would get one of all three kids. Well the little ones are cute. As soon as I can figure out how to switch Mad Skylar with Happy Skylar I will!

1 comment:

Trouble said...

oh if there was only a bigfoot sighting out there Skylar would be the happiest person in that picture!