Thursday, December 9, 2010

29 lbs and counting!!!!

In the beginning... of this year, ya I know but I couldn't resist, I told myself that I was going to lose 30 lbs. I figured that I had a whole year and I could so it. In January I started pediatrics and sat on my behind and ate. No weight loss. February, March, April, May, and June were the same. Sat on butt, ate, no weight loss, some weight gain. July I started to work home care in diabetic. Yay, lost a pound. August 1-30th no weight loss. August 31st, got mad. decided to lose weight and came up with a plan. Implemented plan. December 9th, 2010 29 lbs lost. Hurray!!! I still have 21 days to lose that final pound and fulfill my goal for weight loss for this year! Wish me luck!!!

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