Sunday, December 19, 2010

31 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and other random things

Yes, I have lost 31 lbs!!! I am excited, and am loving the fact I am down one jean size, and the best part is some of those jeans are starting to get too big!!! I am feeling pretty proud of myself!

So I order my camera. I know that everyone was sitting on edge to see if I would change my mind again or not but I didn't. I got a Nikon D90. I ordered the camera body, but the company threw in a lens for free. The lens is a 28 - 80mm and while it's not the best lens, it does take a good picture. It will do until I can get a better lens bought.

I have accomplished a couple of things today. Three pairs of pj bottoms, one for each kid. Two receiving blankets, one for my niece and one for my nephew, both due in March. One burp cloth and a load of laundry! Yup! I am doing well today. Let's not forget I also updated my blog.

I have finished Christmas shopping. I have not mailed anything off yet. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rebecka said...

Congrats on the weightloss and the new camera.
I know you worked hard to get them both.