Saturday, April 24, 2010

Photography class

I have got to tell you all I am loving this class! I think that my pictures are turning out better and I understand what I did wrong when I looking at the pictures I dont like or didn't turn out and the best part is I know how to fix it! I still have a ton to learn but the class isnt over yet. Ben was getting a kick out of me going " to much sun, focused behind, too blurry". But I have a blast taking these pictures. Brady would not smile for me but when Ben put him up on Cheyanne ( the mare pictured) I got a huge grin.

I got onto ebay the other day and found me syringe pens. They are pens the shape of syringes. I love them. I was so excited that I bought like 10. They write good and even TC was jealous. I know, its the small things in life.

1 comment:

Trouble said...

it IS the small things in life. You may as well get excited about syringe shaped pens or what good is life? great pictures!