Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ben's bundle of Quail

So way back in March, we hatched some chickens. It was a ton of fun and a enjoyable experience. So Ben said to me " let's get some quail eggs. It will be fun." or he said something similar, but in any case, it was not my idea. Let that be known. But who am I to squash a man's dreams. and being the GREAT!!! wife that I am I agreed. So we order the eggs. They were about the size of a nickel. Now Ben decided what eggs we were going to order, as I said, this was his project. Ben decided on button quail because they were going to be so much fun. After we order the eggs, Ben finally decides to do research on the quail. He got the wrong ones. Button quail are for use in outdoor aviaries and can not be let out to be free in the wild. Guess where that leaves me.... Yup, I have a 75 gallon fish tank with a mesh lid full of button quail in my living room. But I have to admit they are awesome.

1 comment:

Trouble said...

TJ would have happily eating those quail eggs raw on smelt roe sushi. Pictures please!