Sunday, May 16, 2010

Clear creek

We took the kids to Clear Creek today. For those of you who have no idea where that is, it is a secret location that is totally awesome. Great for fishing, camping, rock hunting and it even has the occasional hiking trail. But I can't tell you where it is at, Ben would be very unhappy with me.

I took loads of pictures, we gathered tons of rocks, and we had a picnic. But I will tell you what, as much as I love my children, they can totally drain the energy out of you.  The little redhead is my niece Aubrey.

On the way home Dani did nothing but whine. Lucky for me, they all decided to nap on the way home.

1 comment:

Brandi Beaver said...

just tell people it's by NAF. That will totally clear everything up. ;)