Friday, July 30, 2010


OK, I rarely talk about work, but I have to share this. After leaving a patients room today I happened to share an elevator with a very nice gentleman. I turned to him and said " How are you doing today?" He misheard me. He looked at me and said " Susie." After a shocked pause I said " Pardon me" to which he replied " Susie. She's the only one who will do it." I actually managed to keep a strait face and told the gentleman to have a great day. As I locked myself into my car I lost it. I am sure he had a great day!


Rebecka said...

Would that be Susie the Floozie? I've heard rumors about her.
Too funny!

Trouble said...

wow I can only imagine that he thought you said "who are you doing today?" was he putting you on? I wonder.